Joe Gonzales

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NMLS #126036

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What’s Changed in the Industry? The Post-COVID Mortgage Landscape

The COVID-19 pandemic reshaped many industries, and the mortgage sector was no exception. As we move further away from the pandemic, the mortgage industry continues to adapt, reflecting new economic realities, regulatory changes, and shifts in consumer behavior. For mortgage originators, understanding these changes is crucial to helping homebuyers navigate the current landscape. Here are some of the most significant transformations and what homebuyers should be aware of in the post-COVID world. … [Read More...]

Fixed vs. Graduated vs. Interest-Only Mortgage Amortization

When selecting a mortgage, one of the most critical decisions is choosing the right amortization schedule. This choice significantly impacts your monthly payments and the total interest you’ll pay over the life of the loan. Here, we’ll compare three common amortization options: fixed, graduated, and interest-only. Fixed Amortization A fixed amortization mortgage offers predictable monthly payments that remain constant throughout the loan term. This stability makes budgeting easier … [Read More...]

Financing Home Improvements with Renovation Loans

As a mortgage originator, I often encounter homeowners and buyers looking for ways to finance their home improvement projects. Renovation loans offer a fantastic solution, enabling you to upgrade and personalize your home while incorporating the cost into your mortgage. We will explore the different renovation loan options available, such as FHA 203(k) and Fannie Mae HomeStyle, to see how they can help you achieve your dream home. FHA 203(k) Loan The FHA 203(k) loan is a government-backed … [Read More...]

The Importance of Employment History in Mortgage Approval and How Job Changes Impact Your Chances

When you're applying for a mortgage, lenders scrutinize several aspects of your financial life to determine your eligibility. One crucial factor that can significantly influence the outcome is your employment history. Consistent and stable employment demonstrates to lenders that you have a reliable income stream, which reduces their risk in lending you money. However, job changes or gaps in employment can complicate the approval process. Let’s explore how your employment history affects … [Read More...]

What’s Ahead For Mortgage Rates This Week – July 22nd, 2024

The week after the inflation data reports was expected to be relatively quiet, with the most significant event being a meeting with Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell. He remained tight-lipped about when rate cuts would happen, but given his demeanor, he did not deny that rate cuts were on the way — simply that he would not indicate when they would arrive. This has only confirmed to lending partners and the broader market that they were right to feel optimistic that rate cuts are … [Read More...]

How to Manage a Mortgage After a Career Change

A career change is usually an exciting journey, it offers new opportunities and growth. It can also bring challenges when you have a mortgage to manage. Balancing a new job and financial commitments can be stressful, but with the right strategies, you can stay on top of your mortgage payments and maintain your financial stability. 1. Assess Your New Financial SituationThe first step is to thoroughly assess your new financial situation. Understand your new income, any changes in benefits, and how … [Read More...]